This is Geraldine. We all love stories about our humanity.
Geraldine is a bonafide centurion born in 1924!
Up until last year, she was cutting her own yard with the lawnmower.
She was a teenager during WWII and began working in the airplane factories, riveting wings together on many airplanes. She was promoted to inspector of the rivets, which others were installing. These planes had to be able to withstand lots of stresses from environments worldwide i.e. extreme temperatures, g forces, heavy payloads, etc. These women of of the 1940' were known as "Rosie the riveters". A congratulatory reference to the backbone and strong work attitude towards: building machines, making, clothing, and the rations of food in cans, etc.
Geraldine has been a constant visitor of ours every six months and like the ten thousand different clients over 23 years, her story is hers.
She has never been shy and has always clearly stated her concern or satisfactions.
Like so many, she has an underlying positive attitude, a balanced appreciation of people and things, and a belief in a higher spiritual being.
This way of life is supported by a good routine, eating habits, low use of alcohol, always staying active and having positive association which produces good decision making.
She also knows when she needs to be by and lean on others. So, Geraldine is going back north to be by family, is this our loss or our gain?
OUR GAIN, because we got to see longevity in action!
Yes, I have a tear in my eye knowing that all things in this life are temporary yet, seeing the high value of continuing to strive to live with those qualities of longevity is paramount.
Yes, positivity, appreciation, and a belief in a higher being is the basis for having real love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self control, against these, there are no laws.
There are no sustainable human laws nor natural law that oppose these.
Geraldine is simply, Inspirational!